Have you thought about how teaming up with other businesses could build and expose your business to greater success? Egino is coordinating an evolving community of businesses to promote collaboration, utilize the combined strengths of each individual member and form a competitive edge for all businesses involved.  


By joining the Egino Community you will become part of a movement that links your commerce community together.  As a member of the Egino Community your business, products and services will be featured on our blogs and social media platforms. We propose and manage collaboration opportunities with other members and keep you informed on global modern marketing trends and creative marketing concepts outside of your scope.


Do your customers have an emotional connection to your brand? Do you offer a product or service that adds a special value to the lifestyle of your customers? Do you create memorable experiences for your customers? Then to us, you are a lifestyle brand!

Do you want to see more of Osnabrück, Germany through the eyes of local Instagrammers? Check out @liveosna for a visual walk through the city, showcasing lifestyle with food, architecture, events, and much more! #liveosna

Click Here for the Osnabrück Hashtag Guide!




At Egino we are constantly flipping through magazines, reading blogs, and discovering the loads of inspiration on Instagram. We love to travel and see how different countries create and innovate. We want to share this story with you! In joining The Egino Community, you will get a first hand look into the world outside of your community. What inspires us... may inspire you. One small snapshot of a store front window, or a beautiful Instagram flat-lay, may be the one thing to trigger a BIG idea for your brand!

Where do you look for inspiration?!

Do you have an idea or a request specific to your brand? 

We would love to meet you!